Multi-day Hybrid Retreat Policies

IMCW retreats and workshops offer instruction in Buddhist meditation and talks on the awakening of our natural insight, love and wisdom. While the meditation practices derive from the Buddhist tradition, they are universal in orientation and address spiritual themes of concern to all contemplative traditions.

IMCW aspires to create a safe, supportive community. We welcome everyone with an interest in meditation, regardless of identity, orientation or background.

Retreat Information

Please find more information about this retreat by reading through these web pages: 

Please note

If you are in the midst of a life trauma, emotional upheaval or instability that might require individual support beyond our scheduled meetings with teachers, the retreat format may not be a good match at this time. Should you have any questions about this, please contact the retreat manager using the Contact Us link below.

COVID-19 Policy

  • Request that only those who are vaccinated attend in person.
  • Recommend that folks who are high-risk attend a hybrid option if available.
  • Until further notice: Proof of a negative antigen or PCR test before arrival; a negative antigen test upon arrival and again on the third day. 
  • Masking is required in all common spaces except when eating or drinking. Masks may be optional after the third day if everyone tests negative.
  • If a person tests positive, they must go home.


Retreat fees only cover direct expenses for this event, such as room, meals, and administrative costs.

Dana: In keeping with the Buddhist tradition, the teachers and retreat managers receive no payment. The base fee covers admin costs to run the retreat. Donations offered by students at the end of the retreat are appreciated and support the teachers and retreat managers in continuing to make the teachings available to all. Dana offerings are tax-deductible.

Scholarships:  If you need support beyond the base rate (or self-scholarship when offered), please fill out and submit the Scholarship Application (find here).  Please wait to register until you receive a discount code. If you have any questions about scholarships please contact Anne Adams Green. Funds are limited, so please apply early.

IMCW Refund Policy

If you cancel more than four weeks before the start of the retreat, your deposit will be refunded minus a $50 administrative fee. We cannot offer refunds for cancellations made less than four weeks before the retreat unless we are able to fill your space. If we are able to fill your space, the administrative fee will be $100 and the balance will be refunded. There is no refund if you decide to leave the retreat early. You have the option to receive a refund or to offer the balance of the registration fee as a tax-deductible donation to the IMCW Scholarship Fund. Please email Anne Adams Green to specify your preferences.

IMCW is committed to ensuring access to the practices and teachings to all who seek them. In the spirit of diversity, equity, and inclusion, up to 50% of the spaces on this retreat will be reserved for members of under-represented groups such as People of Color, LGBTQIA+, people with dis/abilities, households making less than $40K, and active military personnel and veterans.