Class Series Dashboard

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Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Buddha’s Teachings of Freedom

Six Tuesdays, October 18-November 3, 7:15 pm – 9:00 pm ET

The retreat will be held in Eastern Time Zone (New York – US): convert to your time zone

The unique class meeting link will be emailed to you each week, about 15 minutes before class. Please read our Zoom Instructions & FAQ 
You will also receive a link to the class recording about 15 minutes after class.

Recommended Reading

In preparation for the course, you are encouraged to begin reading the two recommended books: Sharon Salzberg’s Loving-kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness, and Christina Feldman’s Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity.

Class Schedule

Weekly Themes

  • 7:15 – 7:25: Welcome and Intro
  • 7:25 – 7:40: Meditation
  • 7:40 – 8:30: Talk and heart-practices meditation
  • 8:30 – 8:45: Break-out Groups (if time permits)
  • 8:45 – 8:55: Full group Q&A/sharing
  • 8:55 – 9:00: At-home practices, announcements
  • Week 1: Introduction and Overview of the Heart Practices (Brahma Viharas, or ‘divine abodes’)
  • Week 2: Loving-kindness (1)
  • Week 3: Loving-kindness (2)
  • Week 4: Compassion
  • Week 5: Appreciative Joy
  • Week 6: Equanimity
  • Week 7: (optional) Conclusion and Q&A

Extra Resources, Video and Audio Recordings

The Four Noble Truths class series videos from earlier this year.

Hugh’s talk: The Journey and The Path

The Four Noble Truths class series slide presentation.

Student Shared Resources

Course Support

Content questions? Email Hugh Byrne:

Administrative/logistical or tech questions? Email Glen Harrison: