Our nation, and the world, grieves the continued violence against Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). The recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and Ahmaud Arbery represent but a fraction of the brutality at the hands of police and other authorities.

While we’re heartened by the many expressions of solidarity and calls for action, so much work remains to be done to heal the centuries-old wound of systemic oppression and racism. The teachers and administration of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) remain committed to doing our own deep work around issues of privilege and inclusivity, both as individuals and as a dharma organization. Through our practice, we know the truth of suffering and turn towards it. We understand that liberation from the bonds of greed, hatred and delusion is possible in this lifetime, and dedicate ourselves fully to this goal, for ourselves and all beings. We invite you to join us, as we seek to deepen our understanding and cultivate wisdom and wise action.

“He who has understanding and great wisdom does not think of harming himself or another, nor of harming both alike. He rather thinks of his own welfare, of that of others, of that of both, and of the welfare of the whole world. In that way one shows understanding and great wisdom.”

— Anguttara Nikaya (Gradual Sayings) Fours, No. 186


How to support your Black friends and your non-Black friends today, by Cicely Blain

10 Habits of Someone Who Doesn’t Know They’re Anti-Black, by Cicely Blain

Your Liberation is on the Line, by angel Kyodo williams

Liberate meditation app for the Black, Indigineous and People of Color Community

Photo by Isa Pagani.


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