online spiritual groups, Shared Experience Sanghas, image of a group of people standing in line together

While the vast majority of IMCW offerings are geared toward a general audience and open to all comers, we know how valuable it can be to gather with those who share a common life experience. This allows participants to shed the armor that is often needed in a world where their experience of being human is not widely understood or honored, and relax in an atmosphere of safety with those who get it.

IMCW’s longest-running Shared Experience Sanghas (SES, affinity groups) are our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and LGBTQIA+ groups, started by IMCW teacher La Sarmiento in 2006. La has lovingly tended these groups over the past 16 ½ years, and we credit them with not only bringing more diverse teachers and topics to IMCW, but leading a profound culture shift in this mostly dominant culture organization. As of November 1, La is passing the leadership of these groups on to Ayesha Ali (BIPOC) and Em Morrison (LGBTQIA+), in order to dedicate their time to individual and small group mentoring (and whatever other exciting things come next!). Ayesha and Em are both long-time participants in these groups, skilled facilitators, and IMCW teachers. If you identify as BIPOC or LGBTQIA+, we hope you’ll join them in the coming months. Both groups remain online for now, with plans for quarterly in-person gatherings.  

October SES Spotlight 

Café con Leche 


This bilingual group meets for the first time in November and welcomes all who identify as Latin-American born Latinx or American-born Latinx. Join us virtually on the first Sunday of every month from 8:30-10:00 a.m. Meetings provide a safe and warmhearted space to meditate, develop connections, and share values within the cultural identity as members of the Latinx community. Whether you are new to mindfulness meditation or a more experienced practitioner, you are welcome to be part of this community that fosters wholehearted connections and a sense of belonging. Te esperamos – Come as you are! 

Young Adult Sangha 

This group is for those in their 20’s and 30’s who want to take part in a conscious, mindful community. Young adults of all ethnicities, races, genders, sexual orientations, and different abilities are most welcome! Gatherings include guided meditation, activities to deepen our practice and mindful sharing. Starting this month, meetings will be both in-person at Seekers Church in Takoma, D.C. / Takoma Park, Maryland with an option to join on Zoom. Please join us! 


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