For those of you who have joined us since the pandemic began, welcome! We are pleased to see new folks coming and taking advantage of our daytime and evening online classes and recorded talks. Most of our weekly classes are suitable for those new to meditation, offering guided meditation and a dharma, or teaching talk which will help you with your sitting practice, and also with learning how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

Our bigger classes, with Tara Brach and Jonathan Foust, are livestreamed, and offer a 30-minute guided meditation followed by an hour of teaching. Our smaller classes include discussion and time for questions and answers. In both classes you will find a community which will help support your practice.


IMCW aspires to create a safe, supportive community, and welcome everyone with an interest in meditation, regardless of identity, orientation or background. Please try different classes until you find a time (or times) that works for you and a teacher or teachers who speak to you. (We have over 45 teachers teaching each week!) You will also see that in most of our classes, you will get to know other participants who are joining regularly.

We also offer a variety of affinity groups meeting monthly (or sometimes weekly during the pandemic) that may be of interest, including sanghas for Singles, People of Color, LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual), Asian, People of Color/POC, Young People, People with Dis/abilities and Deaf People, Vegan, Military and Women. Affinity sanghas offer a community of like-minded people within the larger IMCW sangha with which to develop your practice and to spark friendships.



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